

U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. 登录SlateConnect.


更新2月. 12, 2024

Congratulations Spring 2024 graduates. University of Idaho is excited to honor your accomplishment at the 春季毕业典礼 Ceremonies.

The ceremonies will be held at:

  • 莫斯科- P1FCU基比穹顶. 5月11日星期六. Graduates receiving a doctoral, educational specialist or master’s degree will attend the respective ceremony for their college.
    • 9:30 a.m.
      • College of Art and Architecture
      • College of Education, 健康 and Human Sciences
      • 法学院
      • College of Letters, 艺术 and Social Sciences
    • 2 p.m.
      • College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
      • College of Business and Economics
      • 工程学院
      • 自然资源学院
      • 理学院
  • 博伊西-下午4点.m. Mountain time Sunday, May 19, at the Boise Centre (850 W. 前街).
  • 爱达荷瀑布——下午7点.m. Mountain time Monday, May 20, at the Idaho Falls Center.


Students should frequently check their VandalMail and guests may view the commencement website for updates. Doors will open approximately at 8:30 a.m. for the morning ceremony and 1 p.m. for the afternoon ceremony on Saturday May 11, to allow additional time for guests to go through the necessary security checks. All entrants to the dome must pass through a metal detector and adhere to the university’s 清袋政策.


Get commencement and graduation questions answered during the 2024年GradFair.

  • 博伊西- 2月. 27, 10 a.m. 到2点.m. Mountain time, 法学院 building, Broad Street foyer, 501 W Front, Boise.
  • 爱达荷瀑布- 2月. 中午到下午5点.m. Mountain time, Samual Home Bennion Student Union Building, Room 108.
  • 莫斯科——3月5日至6日.m. 到5点.m. Pacific time, Clearwater/Whitewater Room, Idaho Student Union Building.


网上订购徽章 4月4日,星期五.


The 莫斯科 ceremonies will be streamed live at 9:30 a.m. 和2p.m. Pacific time 5月11日星期六, at frozenhelsinki.com/live.

The Boise ceremony will be streamed live at 4 p.m. Mountain time Sunday, May 19, at frozenhelsinki.com/live.

The Idaho Falls ceremony will be streamed live at 7 p.m. Mountain time Monday, May 20, at frozenhelsinki.com/live.

No tickets are required for any of the commencement ceremonies. University of Idaho is excited to be able to celebrate this momentous occasion with our graduates and their guests. General seating is free and is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Premium, reserved seating will be available for the 莫斯科 ceremonies.


Preorder your flowers and memorabilia for commencement today! All orders will be ready for pickup on the day of your ceremony, located at the Kibbie Dome entrance. 今天的预订!


Premium seating for the 莫斯科 ceremonies will go on sale Feb. 16. Prices for premium seating are $570 for a suite (seats 12) or $25 each for club seats. 预留高级座位.


A SMART巴士路线 has been set up for 5月11日星期六, during commencement. The SMART Bus option is free to students and guests who would like to utilize it on that day. Please view the map and estimated times.

Updates/Information for Graduates

Graduates should watch your Vandal email for any change or updates as the semester progresses. Any changes or updates will also be posted on this site.


透明袋政策: 1月开始. 1, 2020, University of Idaho has implemented a 清袋政策 for all events in the Kibbie Dome and for events on the 莫斯科 campus with 500+ attendance. This new policy is intended to improve and maintain public safety and event security and to improve bag check efficiency at events. Learn more about the Clear Bag Policy.

袋检查: U of I is committed to continual improvement of our events and the safety and comfort of our guests. In the interest of enhanced safety, we will be conducting bag checks at all the entrances for the 莫斯科 spring commencement ceremony. NO BAGS will be permitted for graduating students.

枪械及武器: 个人, including concealed carry permit holders, may not bring a firearm into the Kibbie Dome, 纪念体育馆或布鲁斯M. 皮特曼中心. The university has posted signs that specify this restriction as set out in Idaho Code Section 18-3309 (2). [ed. 1-15]. 另外, university policy prohibits weapons of any sort (to include knives) being brought into the Kibbie Dome.

烟草和酒精: U (I)等于a 无烟校园; the use of cigarettes, e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco is not permitted on university property. Alcoholic beverages can only be consumed in approved locations on university property as per Idaho State Board of Education policy.


布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心


